Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm Getting Fatter... all win. See you next week!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksfattenings Everybody!

Correction: belated Thanksfattenings.

So, I know we all have many things to be thankfattening for this year. Most of them are in the fridge covered in plastic wrap right now. But I just wanted to tell each and everyone of you how thankfattening I am for all of you. I love you guys. Can't wait to see your Trimmer Grimmer selves over Christmas!

It's gonna be awesome and so healthy and great. I know all of you are probably working out right now as I type. Hey - instead of a family portrait this year, we should totally do a family workout video! What do you think? Mom's already certified. Make a little extra dough in this economy? Seriously.

Anyway, see all of you trim, healthy Grims next month! Yeah!

P.S. Can we have a Scrabble-off to decide the winner of this thing? I accidentally forgot to work out for the past 2 1/2 weeks and just ate a whole entire pumpkin pie...mine are made with sugar, Jared.

P.S.S. Dad, what do you think about making the deep fried Christmas turkey a little leaner and healthier this year? Like maybe this one:

(Apologies to Elder Jordan for the turkey-bikini shot).

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sweet delicious apple pie!

So, it's been a while since either Amanda or I have posted here on this blog.  Just to let you know, I've been keeping strong from partaking of any processed sugars.  Quite frankly, it seems like I've been too busy to give much attention to any type of sugary craving.  However, last week I got a sweet tooth and needed to fix it before it fixed me and my goal of staying clean to the new year.  So I did what any other person might do, and got on the internet looking for a sugar free apple pie recipe. It wasn't long before I found one and was in the kitchen making the dough and filling.  I tell you that was the best apple pie I've ever eaten, except for the one I've had tonight.  In a weeks time, I've made four of those suckers!  No processed sugar too.  There's all sorts of nice recipes that are easy to find on the internet.  I've found that has been a great source for easy and healthy recipes. 
Watch out! I've been working on my Chuck Norris skills
Amanda and I have a competition going.  It came as a result of her needing to do sit-ups and me wanting to beat her at something.  So, she's got to do twice the amount of sit ups as I do push ups.  The first time, which was just the other night, I was victorious - cruising easily to fifty while she was thirty or so shy from the finish.  We're increasing the amount by five or ten each time, so I think she'll be whipping me pretty good before long
Ashlyn has come a long ways since the beginning of this trek and can now 1. Sit up on her own (for a few seconds before she gets excited and does a face plant or falls back or any other type of vertical descent from an upward position). and 2. can eat solid baby food.  This change in diet for her has caused quite a bit of excitement around here... changing diapers has taken on a whole new meaning.
Anyhow, we're excited about coming up next month and seeing everyone.  Ashlyn will be nearly 7 months by then and Amanda will be at least 3 months pregnant! Just kidding.  
- Jared

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Once A Marine, Always A . . .

. . . person who can kick your butt into shape with both eyes closed and one hand tied behind his back.

Meet Rasul. He is an ex-Marine, one of our really good friends and an absolute expert at making Chris and I really, really - unbelievably sore. Chris is helping him with his business and in exchange, he is helping us with our 'business'.

For those of you who don't know, my 'business' is located in my 'trunk' and 'backyard' area. So, in essence, Rasul will be helping me remove junk from my trunk, keep the acreage down in my backyard and stop my business from going all over the place.

He's going to come over twice a week for a month to teach us exercises that don't require machines or weights and that incorporate our core body strength and several different muscle groups at once. Who knew that there were so many [explitive] kinds of squats?!! He even teaches us ways to use Gunnar in our excercises (but you have to have a spotter when you do and you can't just throw him down when your arms give out).

Rasul is clear to say, however, that he is not a trainer: he's a teacher. He's of the philosophy that most of us put our responsibility to get in shape onto the trainer instead of ourselves which creates a relationship of dependency and results in only short lived success. I think he's right. Chris and I had a trainer for a few months and when our sessions ended, so did our lowered body fat and intense work outs at the gym.

He's only come a few times now, but I think it's working.

I mean, check us out.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Violent Vomiting

I'd like to thank Aaron and Max for the instant weight loss plan they passed onto me, totally free of charge!  Retching uncontrollably in the Church bathroom last Wednesday night was a milestone.  I was able to spontaneously work the "Trimmer Grimmer" program and fulfill my calling by making fridge magnets with the Young Women.  I made sure to touch everything and hug all the girls so they too could enjoy the benefits of this amazing tried and true program.  After Mutual, although tired and achy from the workout, the impulse to throw it out there again was uncontrollable.  So as soon as I got home I threw open the car doors and left it all on the driveway.  Fortunately, the pouring rain and driving winds kept me focused and low to the ground.  More importantly I had a strong, supportive audience in that Kitty's constant, plaintive cheer-meowing and head butting gave me courage to continue.  With head spinning, sore abs and questionable underwear I pushed through the pain and had one more successful workout at the kitchen sink.  The "Trimmer Grimmer" program is absolutely amazing!  For a free trial at no charge, visit Aaron and Jessica Grimmer at their home in Portland.  For guaranteed results, let Max suck your phone!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Explosive Diarrhea

I was sure that I wouldn't be the first person to bring up poop on this blog...but I suppose someone had to do it.

So Mom came down to visit earlier this week and it so happened that on the day she visited, I came down with the worst case of diarrhea that I've had since my mission.  I won't get into all the details, suffice it to say that the only exercise I got this week were several reps of deep "squats".  

The good news is that Mom was saying that she wanted to lose some weight out of her butt and I think she picked up whatever illness I had.  So Mom, be careful what you wish for...

Yes Natalie, I did poop my pants...but just a little.

Happy is where you find him

Hi everyone,
I have been hunting for the last week so my exercising routine has been interupted. However,
hunting in the mountains (steep mountains) can provide for lots of exercise. I hunted with my
brother Dee and two of his friends and we packed in with horses and mules 15 miles from the
end of a long mountain road. On the way in I found out that my horse Happy, was only happy
when I was leading him down, and up, the trail. In his defence, I don't think that he ever had
been in the mountains before and he stumbled and tripped over every rock and log that was
even near the trail. The worst part though was accasionally he would see something on the trail that would spook him and I would have to dismount and pull him thru the scarry part. This happened several times and I had to lead him down and up the steepest section of the trail.
Happy (my horse) was making me anything but happy and I was thinking about exercising
my rifle. I did't and he learned a lot on the trip in and during the week and I was able to ride him the entire way out, four hours, without even dismounting. My butt is still sore.
The hunting was good but the finding was not. I lost a couple of pounds somewhere up in the mtns. Something good. Happy is back in the pasture with the other horses and mules and probably dreading the next hunt.
One thing that I learned was that the Mountain House freeze dried meals are very good.
Something to keep in mind when planning our food storage.
Well, I tried to refrain from eating the candy and hopefully can get a better blood sugar average.
My new knee worked very well and I am pleased that I can still hunt.
I will write more when I lose more.